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Hany Ammar
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Introduction to Computer Architectures

CpE 442/ CS 455


Math 375, CPE 310 and CPE 311/ or CS 350


Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, MIPS Edition, 5th Ed., D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 2014. 


  • Computer Architecture, J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson, 5th Ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012.
  • Structured Computer Organization, A. S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall.
  • Computer Hardware/Software Architecture, W. Toy and B. Zee, Prentice-Hall.
  • Modern Computer Architecture, Mohammed Rafiguzzaman and R. Chandra, West Publishing Company.
  • Computer Organization, 5th ed, C. Hamacher, Z. Varbesic, S. Zaky, McGrawHill.

Course Objectives

Students should be able to do the following:

  • Identify the levels of abstractions and the levels of organization in computer architecture design ,
  • Relate performance metrics to architectural parameters,
  • Specify the important trade offs in instruction set design,
  • Identify the problems and trade offs encountered in the design of computer processors, and specify specific examples from the current state of the art family of Reduced Instruction Set Architectures (the MIPS architecture),
  • Relate the concept of memory hierarchy to cache designs and the design of virtual memory management units,
  • Identify the problems encountered in I/O subsystem design, and relate such problems to the design of processor and memory subsystems, and identify new technologies for disks and tapes and
  • Identify the main features of parallel architectures in terms of interconnection networks and the extended concepts of instruction set parallelism.


Project Presentations 

Last week of classes, see Term Project Assignment 2


Attendance: 5%

Homework: 35%

Project: 25% here is an example previous presentation and report

Project Presentations held during the last two weeks of classes.

Project Report due Thursday of finals week.

Term Examination: 35%.

Homework Assignments and project report submission will be through the course link on The project involves a comprehensive study of current processor architecture. An overview of the architecture and how it briefly compares to others and details of some of its main features should be thoroughly researched. The projects will be conducted by groups of three students. A final report and an in-class presentation are required. The report should contain a section on the contributions of each member of the group, and each member should take part in the project presentation.